Mohican 100 in one week

That’s right one week till the Mohican 100 mile trail run. It just came up so fast! Time just fly’s as I get older, my kid’s keep getting older. Just not enough time to get everything you want to do and don’t want to do ( work ). I got out on the trail’s this morning and got 8 mile’s in. At 2 mile’s i had a light roll in the left ankle, had to take a few to recover, but got back at it with no problem’s. The mudd is just killing me that’s how the left ankle started and still goes on. Feel good other wise we will have some lite run’s this week, but no trail’s. Rest and recover week!
Have a great weekend!

8 Responses to “Mohican 100 in one week”

  1. Tammy Wuerth Says:

    I’m looking forward to hearing how it goes for you! Where is this again? Ohio, where you live, or another state?

  2. Yes, rest and recover! I’m excited for you! You will do great!

  3. Bummer man – those continued ankle rolls can take a toll mentally and physically. Good luck with the race – sounds like an awesome area to run! Just run within yourself and have a great time!

    I wore one of these every run for a solid month after my sprain and haven’t rolled since – might be worth it for the race as it is not bulky and you can adjust the velcro straps. Last thing you want is for a full-on sprain to stop your race…

  4. Good luck Brian – keep your eye on that ankle. Those rolls take a mental toll on you as you are always wondering when it will go again. I would seriously think about one of these for your ultra for peace of mind. It is not bulky at all and the straps are adjustable –

  5. Try one like this Brian:

    It worked well for me. They carry them about everywhere and it is not bulky. FYI – wear a sock under it or it will chafe your foot.

  6. Sorry about the million comments B – I thought my login was broken. You can delete some of those off there, it won’t bother me!!

  7. becelisa Says:

    good luck brian! look forward to reading all about it.

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